Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Years 2014

Still didn't take pictures.....I'm awful I know. It's like our children won't even know we existed this past year. 2015 will be better, I promise!

So we decided to have everyone we knew over to our house for New Years. I'd been feeling a little forgotten since we hadn't had a party after football. I got so used to hosting people every Friday night, that I was kind of missing it (remind me of that next fall I know!!). I literally just invited almost everyone we knew. Of course they didn't all come but we had about 10-14 people over at any given time. I set up a buffet, everyone brought their own drinks, and we just hung out. We even did a little dessert swap so I didn't feel guilty about not having party favors. Perfect evening!

Ham and cheese sliders
Parmesan cheese straws
Buffalo dip
Pepper-jack bacon dip (new creation, wildly popular, will post about soon once I get actual measurements figured out)
Cheddar beer fondue dip (new recipe from pinterest, not making the recipe box)
Dunkaroo dip
Frosted brownies (from a box because that's how Betty Crocker rules the world, having the best brownies)

Everyone brought their own thing. We set up the drink tub so you could put what you needed on ice. We also had several mixers available- Coke, Sprite, club soda, that sort of thing. Then I made a virgin punch that our expecting friends could enjoy and everyone else could spice up as they liked. It was an orange sherbet punch I call Sunday School punch. I mixed mine with vodka and club soda, champagne, or chardonnay. Not all at once, just throughout the evening :)

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