Monday, March 2, 2015

My Strange Addiction

I'm a light-gamer. At least that's what I call myself. Will I sit with an Xbox and talk to people in a headset? No. Will I binge play every Nancy Drew game as soon as it comes out? Yes.

I like to go back to the computer games I loved as a kid. You know, Oregon Trail, Sims, that sort of thing. Well one of my favorites was Roller Coaster Tycoon. LOVED. IT.

Guess what? It's an app for your ipad now!! So I've slowly been building coasters and a phenomenal park. Coach makes fun of me because I check it every morning and evening, but hey, I have to or else I'll end up spending money on in-app purchases!

So that's where I'm at. Binge playing a game from my childhood as if I were still 12 years old. Cause that's what every 27 year old secretly wants to do :)