Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pinterest is a slippery slope

I saw a thing on Pinterest where this girl put a glitter top on her desk. I thought it would be a perfect way to liven up this $20 desk I got to use as a sewing table. The immediate fix to the desk was to paint it white but I wanted to do something more to liven it up. The idea of a golden, shimmery work surface was appealing. Plus I love glitter.

I followed all her directions- varnish poured straight on, sprinkle glitter. Let dry and then re-varnish to create a smooth top. I didn't follow them exactly though because my glitter job was very splotchy. So I just did more glitter. 3 layers to be exact but who's counting!?!

2 finishing coats of varnish later and I'm going to need more varnish. At this point my plan is to just keep layering on more varnish until the surface is smooth. Not level, just smooth. Because this is a sewing table and I don't want to snag my fabric. I'm betting 2 more layers at least. If I'm lucky this weekend project will be finished in 7 days. If I'm unlucky then I will just have to scrap it all and rearrange my craft room. I can tell you now though, my table is now $20 plus $10 in glitter plus $18 in varnish. Everyone who sees it will be forced to declare its beauty.

Lesson learned: beware of Pinterest and glitter.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Painted Ornaments

I saw this on Pinterest last year and impulsively decided to try it out when Hobby Lobby had the ornaments and paint on sale at the same time. I'll update this post this weekend with more photos and detailed explanations but here's the gist.

I bought plain glass ornaments (got the wrong shape though) and drizzled craft paint inside (plain old craft paint). I did some experimentation to get as close to my desired effect as possible. Combinations of adding water and shaking it like a Polaroid picture were used. At first I was really happy with them, then they dried and I was much less happy. The paint cracked in spots when it dried and I don't like the way it looks. So I will try again and hopefully be more successful.

*Also, the gold paint dried much flatter than desired. This girl wants everything to sparkle!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Fall Wreath

Halloween is over so my "Merry Bewitching" wreath is down and replaced with a general fall wreath. I know many people start putting up winter and Christmas stuff in November but mine won't go up until the day after Thanksgiving at least.

And despite me best intentions, the only pictures I have to share are from my phone.

This wreath is an oval grapevine wrapped with a fall leaf garland. I have some fall flower sprays tucked in but he best part are the owls. Michaels had these cute little owls on sticks and clips in their fall floral stuff. I'm not a huge owl person but these little guys just seemed season-appropriate. It took all of 15 minutes to put together and I just used floral wire to secure everything. Happy fall y'all!