Monday, October 27, 2014

Well Forget You

I made a terrible mistake. I bought a scale. I was curious. I thought, maybe I should actually check my weight. What a dumb thought.

Dear Scale,

I realize our relationships has been shaky in the past but I thought we could make amends. My pants have been particularly amenable lately which led me to believe you would be the same. I lovingly chose you. I found a clean spot in a warm room for you to reside. You will not be tampered with. You will not became a toy for the dogs.

I swore to respect your numbers. I trust your judgment. I entered this relationship with an open mind and heart. Yet you continue to refuse reciprocity. You insist on giving stagnant, surely inaccurate readings despite my best efforts. I think you just want to ruin my day. So to that I have to say,
forget you.

Forget you and your biased readings. Forget you and your dominating bullying. My pants and I were just fine without you and we'll be just fine without you again. You are dead to me, your numbers null and void. I officially bid you adieu!

Your no-longer friend,
Jenna (and her pants)

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