Saturday, October 11, 2014

Living with a Boy

I didn't have the roommate to separate from- I did that earlier in my life. Living with a boy is still a tough transition. Keep in mind that I've lived with all girls or myself and nothing else. Boys are......different.

I love my husband, truly. But there's just some observations I've made:

  1. Boys scratch. Like all the time. Their head, belly, you-know-whats. Once I noticed my dear husband having the habit, I noticed it in other men. Especially at work. Men must be very itchy.
  2. Boys shed too! I've known my whole life that girls shed. One summer on vacuum duty in a house with 3 sisters will teach you how much hair actually comes off the female body. And we even spend time purposely removing hair from our body. Why didn't it cross my mind that boys shed? 
  3. The belief that boys don't have as many clothes is a lie. We both had to do some serious closet cleaning to make our belongs fit together but I really didn't anticipate how much he would have. And he's not even a fashion-forward kind of guy. He dresses well and stylishly but almost grudgingly. So the fact that he had as many clothes as many was kind of surprising.
  4. There are different definitions of clean. Enough said.
  5. He who holds the remote reigns supreme.
  6. Shopping doesn't count as work. Um, what? Excuse me??
  7. Candles aren't romantic, in fact they're often ignored or forgotten. Best not to light them or you'll just set the house on fire.
  8. Ill-conceived ideas that don't end well are going to be mocked. Always. With love, but always.
  9. Home decorating will go unnoticed but if you point it out, you'll get the praise you want. :)
  10. A well-cooked, or ill-cooked for that matter, dinner is always appreciated and will always get praise even if you think it doesn't deserve it.

1 comment:

  1. So true! I'd have to add: Boys do not like to wear pants. When we were first married just a few years ago, I was completely taken off-guard by how often I would find him (at home) going about business as usual fully dressed from the waist up, boxers and socks from the waist down. I still find it a little unsettling - I would freeze!


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