Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Special Note on Gardening

I love flowers so I tried to grow flowers. I had my first patio last summer and I spent a great deal of time and money setting up my patio garden. I bought lots of affordable pots in bright colors from Wal-Mart. I bought a Groupon for a local nursery to buy strong, healthy plants. I made sure to plant things with right amount of drainage and place them in the right amount of sun.

And they all died. All but the monkey grass. Because apparently you can't kill monkey grass.

Where did I go wrong!?! Oh yeah, the watering bit. Turns out that my gallon watering can still meant 4-5 trips back and forth to water my oh-so-plentiful container garden. (Maybe taking on too much at the start was my problem?) Consequently, my plants only got watered every few days.

If my plants had been in the ground, they would have survived with that. But my plants were on a concrete baking sheet, just roasting in the sun day after day.

So this year I put my plants out on patio near a gardening hose and they get watered every other day at minimum. They are gorgeous!! Pictures will come soon, I promise.

*Note- I still hold with buying quality plants at the start. This year I purchased mine from the local botanical garden's plant sale (Powell Gardens). The few plants I picked up at local supercenters just don't fare as well. Spend the extra dollar and you'll get a plant that blooms more heartily- especially if you're a weak support system for it like me!

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