Saturday, October 19, 2013

Wild Halloween Pedicure

I was in for a regular pedicure and they asked if I wanted a design for Halloween. At first I said no but then thought of this cute ghost manicure my sister had gotten several years go. I found a picture on Pinterest, showed the nail tech, and sat back. My vision was to have a fun, cute little ghost. My nail tech LOVED the idea. Except she got carried away and forgot about the cure part. I thought she was adding glitter, but this is what I got
 Nothing like bleeding ghosts for a cute and fun Halloween right?! My lady was so excited and proud of herself though I didn't have the heart to tell her ghosts don't bleed. Or that bleeding ghosts aren't really cute. I might bother to fix it myself or I might just leave it. You can't really see the gore from a distance anyway!

1 comment:

  1. HA!!!!! Great polish color though, it compliments your bloody ghost quite well!!! :)


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