So after purchasing the book a year ago, I finally committed to reading Gone Girl.
Sort of.
Thing is- the book's about this guy from a Mississippi River town who murders(?) his relatively new wife on said river town.
I tried to start the book right after getting engaged. Bad choice. It was just kind of creepy to read this book where loves seems to have gone wrong (I haven't finished it so I really don't know if he did it or not and no spoilers please!) when I was newly wrapped in my love cocoon of engagement. Kind of a buzz kill so I put it down for a couple of weeks and tried again recently to start back up.
Maybe I'm picking it up at the wrong times, or maybe I'm still not giving it my full effort, but this book is putting me to sleep. Seriously, I've been asleep before 10:00 every night this week because I'm trying to read this book. Normally books keep me AWAKE. My normal bedtime is really lights off at 10:30, fall asleep sometime between then and 11. Not asleep by 10!
I'm sure it's not really the book. It could be total coincidence. But since the movie is being filmed in my hometown I can't help but think I really need to get this thing read already (not the right attitude, I know). Oh well, I'll do a full review later once I've finished it.
Did you ever finish it? I read it, but it took a good 1/3 of the book to keep my interest.