I don't know about you all, but I feel like this semester has just flown by. Normally that's not the case for my fall semesters. Usually it's the spring semester that just whips on through. With football this year though, it's been a much faster ride. I have exactly 17 days of teaching left before winter break! :)
Football is officially over. My sweet husband finished his last game on November 7th at the district championship game. While we're always sad to lose, I was secretly a little bit happy to have the season wrapped up. November 19th was the 4-month mark on our marriage and of those 16 weeks, 15 were active football season. Coach has a little bit more gray hair now but we'll never know if it was football or marriage ;)
We're going to my parents house for Thanksgiving this year (they live about 6 hours away) and a sister of mine will also be in town with her kiddos for the holiday. I'm excited at the chance to see everyone, to sleep in a couple of days, and best yet- to not cook! I've said it before but I'll say it again. My parents are super-generous people. The last thing they expect of their home-ec teacher daughter when she comes home to visit is for her to be cooking. They actually don't even expect it of me when they come visit us. I enjoy the break from the kitchen- especially in the throes of the school semester.
I'm excited to decorate our home for our first Christmas together; Coach is a little nervous. I had some décor up for Halloween and then a quick transition for Thanksgiving. I didn't take any pictures though because it really is so little (seriously, about 5 pumpkins and a silver turkey is it folks). I plan to go all out for Christmas though so look forward to that!
In the meantime, I'm going to get some posts up on those football dinners I did. The recipes are all good party/group food and tis the season now for parties and groups! We're also going to tackle some home renovation projects this winter. Last winter I re-did the kitchen, this year I've got my eye on the guest bedroom and master bath. Keep your eyes open- more is to come!!
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