So sorry for the gap in posts there. I somehow got super busy at work (which is crazy because this year is still not nearly as busy as last year since I finished my masters) and obviously wedding planning is a total time controller :)
There have been lots of fun trips though. First was a Hermann, MO trip with some good friends from work. We stayed at nice B&B and participated in the wine trail. It was neat because I finally tried out different wineries than my usual :) We also had a food sampling at each location which was delicious. I love a Hermann trip any time of year.
Next Coach and I went to Texas for a weekend trip. He met one of my sisters, plus her husband and kids, for the first time. Crazy to think that we've been together a year and are engaged but he still hasn't met much of my family. Just a fact of life when you live away from them all!
After Texas we enjoyed even more time off work since it was Thanksgiving Break! This was first year ever in my life that I was not at my parents' house. It was a little surreal but at the same time, being with Coach and his family felt completely naturally. I'm very blessed to have found not only a great guy, but a guy who comes with a great family. I'm a lucky girl :)
We have a weekend trip to St Louis next with some of Coach's college buddies followed by a trip to Branson with his family. After that it's a weekend off before we're back in my hometown to spend Christmas with my family. A couple that travels together stays together right?!
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