To Blog or Not to Blog- that is the key, ever eternal, ridiculous question I keep facing.
Here are the pros:
I enjoy it
I'm good at writing
I get to pretend at being a funny writer
I might share something really neat with someone
I'm actually kind of shy and I don't have to look at any of you people in the eye
It lets you be as narcissistic as a teenager again
Here are the cons:
It takes time
You have to make an actual commitment if you're going to do it right
You can hurt peoples' feelings
You have to be careful to respect privacy of people
People think they know you
There's a lot of thinking about yourself
I have about 100 friends on facebook. That's not very many. But I know each and every single one of them! They are actually friends, not mindless long-lost acquaintances. Granted, I have to use the facebook of my friends and siblings if I'm going to probably stalk anybody, but that's a small price to pay for my own privacy.
I started blogging as a technology project in college. I continued blogging when I moved 6 hours (or more) away from my friends and family as a way to share my experiences. As a first year teacher I had a TON of material. Literally loads of it. But then the oh-my-god-what-are-these-students-doing-to-me posts started to run out and I focused on my personal life. That blog had 100s of followers, offers of endorsement posts, and it got me in trouble. Personally, not everyone likes being out there. I learned to respect that and closed up the public diary of my first 3 years of independence. I have the posts for my own fond memories, but otherwise they're gone from the public eye. What I started was this blog. It was going to be mature, it was going to be crafty, it was going to be just as successful! But my heart wasn't in it. I couldn't just blog recipes and craft projects.
Here's the truth of my life. I'm a mess. A lovable, adorable, very smart mess. I have a thousand and one interests that I dabble in. A renaissance woman, I am the jack of many trades, master of none. It makes me a know-it-all, a veritable fount of useless knowledge. I also know that I can be funny and witty. My sarcasm (that's called
italics for you internet readers) can make or break a situation. I have no ten-year plan. I never have. If I get bored, I go learn something new to occupy me in the meantime.
The good news is that I have a very lovable, patient, supportive fiancé (herein known as Coach) who thinks I can whatever the heck I decide I need to do. And I want to return to writing about my life as I know it. I want to share the funny stories, the weird things that I end up doing (because weird stuff doesn't happen to me, I totally bring it upon myself), and the sweet, awesome life lessons I'm learning along the way. Being in love with Coach has been the best adventure of my life and we're tying the knot in 2 weeks. I want to document our ridiculous journey but also share it. It's a great life and great things are worth sharing, right?! So huzzah! To a great life!
*You will start to see changes in the format of the blog but the name will stay the same for consistency reasons. Just get ready for less crafting, more real life. That's what's up folks- enjoy!